Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Angela's titles for Jesus (2)

One of the titles that Angela likes to use of Jesus is "TRUTH". It is Jesus as "TRUTH " who will teach us . This learning for Angela takes place especially at the foot of the Cross. She says:
"take refuge at the feet of Jesus Christ because if he directs and teaches you, you will be well taught."
7th Counsel 
Angela at the feet of Jesus - icon at Le Grezze

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Jesus for Angela

In today's Gospel Jesus asks us : "Who do you say I am?" It is a question addressed to each one of us personally. We need to ask ourselves:  " Who is Jesus for me? "and following from that : "Who am I for Jesus?"
Angela uses a number of titles for Jesus and in subsequent posts we will consider some of them but today let's focus on a central one , that of Spouse a
"gentle and loving Spouse"
Rule Ch XI

Linked to this is that of a "Lover" who cannot be resisted and "whose light and joyful splendour of truth will surround you at the moment of death."
Last :Legacy

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Invocation in the North

Invocation 2013
A wonderful and inspiring weekend at Invocation in the North, 2013. This is a discernment festival and weekend for young people aged 16 to 35 years which has taken place this weekend at Ampleforth Abbey. 
Here I am with a number of people from the Lancaster Diocese who have been attending, and like me, sharing their faith and meeting others as we talk about how the Lord calls us to follow him.

For more information about Invocation in the North see their facebook page 

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Sacred Heart in Ursuline Spirituality

Today we keep the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Before the apparitions of Jesus to St Margaret Mary this devotion can be found in the spirituality of a seventeenth century French Ursuline, Blessed Mary of the Incarnation. It features in her Apostolic Prayer found below. In it are to be found many echoes of St Angela's Prayer given in Chapter V of her Rule.
" By the Heart of my Jesus, who is the Way, .the Truth and the Life,
I approach Thee, O Eternal Father.
By this divine Heart, I adore Thee for all who love Thee not;
I love thee for all who love Thee not;
I acknowledge Thee to be my God for all who,
wilfully blind, out of contempt, refuse to acknowledge Thee.
By this divine Heart, I would render Thee the homage which all thy creatures owe Thee.
In spirit I go round the wide world in search of all the souls
redeemed by the Precious Blood of Jesus.
I embrace them all to present them to Thee by Him and by Him,
I ask for their conversion.
Oh! can it be , Eternal Father, that thou wilt allow them to remain in ignorance of my Jesus?
Wilt thou suffer that they should not live for Him who died for all?
Thou seest, O Heavenly Father that they live not as yet!
oh ! give them life by this divine Heart.
On this adorable Heart, I present to Thee all who labour for the extension of the Gospel,
in order that by its merits they may be replenished with Thy Holy Spirit.
On this Sacred Heart, as upon a divine altar I present to Thee especially..........
Thou knowest, Incarnate Word, my beloved Jesus, all that I would ask Thy divine Heart, by Thy holy Soul. I ask it of Thee, when I ask it of Him, because Thou art in Thy Father, and Thy Father is in Thee.
Deign to do all this together with Him.
I present Thee all these souls; make them one with Thee. Amen

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

News religious life in Lancaster

As part of Lancaster Cathedral's vocation updates, they featured Ursuline activity including our blog, facebook page and Twitter.  As one of the religious orders who have played an active role in the parish of St Peter and St Thomas More we've had a presence for nearly 20 years.  

With the help of God you will do much good for others
 St Angela Merici
For previous posts about some of the things the Ursulines have been doing in Lancaster:
Drop in Day for Prayer - the Creed 2nd Monday of the Month - all welcome
Sr Maureen's Golden Jubilee
Sr Zela's Golden Jubilee
Wednesday Word of Witness: WWW
Sr Jayne a call to service 
grand performance - during the 150th Anniversary promenade performance of Life of St Peter

To follow us on Twitter 

To read more about us on Cathedral blog